mandag den 13. januar 2020 kl. 10.49.12 UTC+1 skrev Elliot Killick:
> Hash: SHA256 
> Hello, all! 
> Not too long ago I released qvm-create-windows-qube but quit pushing 
> changes for a while because I realized there was still a of work to be 
> done and I wanted to get it out of the dev/beta phase before releasing a 
> new version.

This looks promising. Looking forward to testing it, thank you.

> Well, it's over 200 commits later and I would say it's well out of 
> beta now. 

I actually believe that the general adoption of Qubes in the world would be 
larger if the windows guest support was better, you might actaully be able 
to get funding for your efforts 
( You might ask a QubesOS 
representative for that possibility(Andrew, maybe?) 

That might push the adoption to be broader and the sponsors to be more and 
helping Qubes to be even more widespread than it is now.


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