I have a mixed setup of Squeezeboxen from v1, v1.5, v2, v3 and since
Christmas, a Radio.

My WiFi is setup using 128-bit WEP encryption using a shared key, since
this is the best that is supported by the Squeezebox v1 and v1.5.

However, the Squeezebox Radio won't connect to a network with this
encryption setup. It will connect with exactly the same settings but
using open key instead of shared key.

This means that I can either have my Radio connected, or my 3 v1/v1.5
Squeezeboxes, but not all at the same time.

My Squeezebox v2 seems to connect quite happily with either setting. (I
haven't my v3/Classic but I suspect it is the same as the v2.)

My access point doesn't support both shared and open at the same time -
only one or the other.

How can I connect both my legacy squeezebox v1/v1/5 and my Squeezebox
Radio at the same time?

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