I have now worked around the incompatibility by creating two virtual
networks on my access point. One using WEP for my older squeezeboxen
and another using WPA2-PSK for the Radio and all my other devices.

However, I do think that there is a compatibility issue in the WiFi
requirements between SB v1 and the Radio. I suspect it's a bug or a
limitation that few people will notice - probably not very many have
both devices on the same wireless network and those that do probably
have access points (like my old one) that supported open and shared
modes simultaneously.

It would be interesting to get confirmation on whether the Radio works
for anyone else with the WEP encryption in pure shared mode. If it
works for others then it might be a limitation in my access point
(although I probably don't care very much any more).

Further points:

My SSID are all unique and hidden, so accidental connection is probably
unlikely even without encryption.

I don't have MAC filtering on yet, but will probably add it over the
weekend, at least for the WEP network just to add a little bit of

The Radio and at least one SB1 are in locations that aren't practical
either for wired or powerline connections. If I think about it
carefully, I can probably shuffle the players around so that all the
SB1/1.5 are on wired connections (either ethernet or powerline) but it
would mean convincing my son to swap his Classic for an SB1.5. Not sure
this is going to happen.

Mark.Bennett's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=763
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