chill;681991 Wrote: 
> Mark
> Does your router/access point offer the option of a 'guest network'. 
> The idea behind them is, I think, to allow you to give a password to
> your visitors without giving them access to your main network, and you
> can sometimes configure whether devices on this guest network are
> allowed to see the rest of your network hardware.  This might be one
> way to create a different wifi zone with different security settings.

Yes, this is essentially what I have now done, one network with WEP
just for the squeezeboxe v1/v1.5 and another with WPA2-PSK for the

chill;681991 Wrote: 
> Failing that (bearing in mind I haven't tried to confirm your findings
> yet) you could always add another cheap wifi access point just for your
> early Squeezeboxes.  You could probably add MAC address filtering to
> that zone, so that only those Squeezeboxes can attach, and then use
> better password protection on the other (main) zone.

I can add MAC filtering, but haven't got round to that yet - maybe
tomorrow once I have migrated other devices to the new network.
(Although this is hackable too for anyone who knows what they are

It's still annoying that the two devices appear to have incompatible
network settings.

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