Mark.Bennett;681985 Wrote: 
> Can anyone confirm my findings that WiFi connections on the Squeezebox
> Radio are incompatible with those for the Squeezebox v1/v1.5?
I can't confirm or reject that, as the only models I don't have are the
SliMP3, v1, and v1.5. However I can say that they _should_ be
compatible. There are other users on the forum who don't seem to be
having your problem, but I don't know offhand if they are using wifi or

Also, I erred in saying that it would have to be the v1 and v1.5 that
would be wired. Of course, you could do it the other way around, and
wire the Radio but keep the older models running on WEP wifi. But I
suppose the Radio probably isn't in a good location for that, either.

Finally, if your neighbors include adolescent kids, don't assume they
are easily confused when it comes to hacking....

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