Post-Graduate Training 2004-2006
Institute for Advanced Studies
Vienna, Austria

The Sociology Department of the Institute for Advanced
Studies in 
Vienna, Austria, is offering 2 year programme of
post-graduate training 
leading to a Diploma in Comparative Sociology as the
first stage of a 

The Department offers extensive and intensive training
in quantitative 
and qualitative social research with a special
emphasis on Comparative 
Sociology. In addition to the resident staff, the
Institute for Advanced 
Studies hosts Guest Professors from all over the
world. Scholars are 
fully integrated into the Departmental seminar and
research programme.

  Topics about which theses/personal projects can be
. Theory and Methods of Comparative Research
. Life-Work Balance
. European Social Models
. Work and Employment
. Gender Issues
. Risk Society, Biotechnology
. Sociology of Transformation in Eastern and
. Education Systems and Labour Market
. Innovation
. The Knowledge Society
. Sociology of Youth
. Nature-Society Relationships
. Clusters and Networks between Research and Industry

Terms of admission:
Masters degree or equivalent; Admission papers; Exam
in statistics; 
Personal interview

A small number of scholarships are available on a
competitive basis.

Application deadline: 30 April 2003.
Further information and application forms, see or 
Mrs. Gertraud Stadler, Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Sociology
Stumpergasse 56
1060 Vienna, Austria
Fax: 43-1-59991 191



Renato Treves International Research Doctorate in Law
and Society

The University of Milan has launched a competition,
based on 
qualifications and examinations, for admission to the
Renato Treves 
International Research Doctorate in Law and Society,
established in 
partnership with the University of Milan-Bicocca, the
University of 
Insubria, the University of Bologna, the University of
Urbino, the 
Centro nazionale di prevenzione e difesa sociale in
Milan, the 
University of Lund, the Carlos III University of
Madrid and the 
University of Antwerp.

This doctorate course offers an international training
curriculum in Law 
and Society whose purpose is to train research doctors
to be not only 
experts in "contextualised" research into legal
institutions, but also 
aware of the ethical and political dimension of the
material studied.
Held mostly in English, the doctorate course includes
a six-month period 
of study and research at the partner institutions or
at other related 
scientific institutions.

There are ten places available for admission to the
doctorate course. 
Four of these are accompanied by a scholarship (for an
annual gross sum 
of 10,561.54 Euro); of these four scholarships, three
last for three 
years and one for one year.

The competition for admission to the International
Research Doctorate is 
open to Italian candidates and foreigners who hold an
qualification that has been declared to be of
equivalent value to an 
Italian degree or specialised degree in the field of
law, sociology or 
political sciences.

Application deadline: March 12, 2004
Application form is available at
For further information, contact the co-ordinator:
Professor Vincenzo Ferrari, e-mail:
Universita degli Studi di Milano
Facolta di Giurisprudenza
via Festa del Perdono, 7
20122 Milano, Italy
Tel: +39-02-50312620, Fax: +39-02-50312542 



The Third Research on Knowledge Systems (RoKS)
Competition 2003-2004
"Understanding the Social and Public Policy Dimensions
of Transformative 
Technologies in the South"

The Research on Knowledge Systems (RoKS) initiative of
the International 
Development Research Centre (IDRC) in partnership with
the Rockefeller 
Foundation, is launching a
competition to support 
research on the social equity and public policy
challenges of 
transformative technologies faced by developing
countries. The focus is 
on how social equity and the human condition is being
affected by 
emerging technologies, as well as on what mechanisms
and learning 
processes are in place or have been developed to
assist governments and 
public stakeholder groups engaged in the
decision-making processes 
associated with these new technologies. We recognize
that new knowledge 
is not neutral and is embedded in specific social
contexts; it can offer 
opportunity, but can also constrain human activity.

The competition is open to researchers and
institutions based in the 
developing world. The grants will have a maximum value
of CAD$80,000. 
For joint proposals where researchers are located in
two or more 
countries a maximum of CAD$160,000 will be awarded.
Because of the 
abundance of analysis of ICT impacts, we will give a
consideration to proposals addressing new technologies
in areas other 
than ICTs for development.

We are interested in helping to understand and provide
cases of good 
practice in this area; and in catalysing the debates
over transformative 
technologies and the role of the various stakeholders
in the South. 
These are just some questions being tabled to target a
new competition 
for researchers to provide analysis and policy
recommendations to their 
respective governments and to other decision-making

The deadline for concept note submission is March 26,
For more information and to download a complete
concept note application 


Postgraduate Research Scholarships 2004
School of Computing
Dublin City University

The School of Computing is offering a number of
scholarships to outstanding graduates, interested in
working towards 
a Ph.D. in a principal research area of the School: EU
for these scholarships should also have applied to the
national scheme, operated by IRCSET, , and will 
be considered for funding by the School if
unsuccessful in this 
If the number of applicants is large, Scholarships
will be awarded 
on a competitive basis.
School Research Groups 

Dependable Systems 
Modelling and Scientific Computing 
Information Management 
Language and Intelligence 
The School Scholarship value will be up to EUR12,700
p.a. (plus fees 
at the E.U. rate) for a maximum period of three years.
with B.Sc./B.A.only should note that university
regulations require 
initial registration for an M.Sc. with transfer to
Ph.D. after first 
year, subject to satisfactory progress. 

Application Requirements
Applicants should normally hold or expect to obtain a
First class 
Honours degree in Computing, Maths. or a related
discipline. They 
should also agree on a research project with an
academic in the 
School of Computing prior to applying.

Closing Date for completed applications Friday, April
30th 2004

How to Apply
Candidates should contact a member of staff whose
research interests 
coincide with their own. Details of staff interest
areas are listed 
on the School's web site at with further 
details on individual staff and research group pages
and at If
unsure whom 
to contact, the research student coordinator can
advise at 

Postgraduate application forms can be obtained from:
The Registry, D.C.U., Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Ireland

or downloaded from the Registry Web pages on 



PhD Studentships
Learning Sciences Research Institute (LSRI)

A number of PhD studentships will be offered for
2004/05 in the 
Learning Sciences Research Institute, which is a
between the Schools of Computer Science and IT,
Education and 
Psychology. Applications are welcome in any area of
the learning 
sciences and students will be jointly supervised
between two of the 
three Schools making up the Institute.

The Institute's PhD programme builds upon four key
themes bridging 
computer science, education, psychology, cognitive
artificial intelligence, and cognate areas.

Potential PhD topics include, but are not limited to:

-Technologies for innovative pedagogies 
-Psychology of learning and expertise 
-Educational games 
-Hypertext and multimedia 
-Mobile learning 
-Learning in informal contexts 
-Collaborative learning 
-Virtual and mixed realities

Students should have, or expect to obtain, at least a
2.1 in an 
undergraduate degree or Masters degree in psychology,
science, education or an appropriate discipline

These studentships are offered on a competitive basis
to cover fees 
and, in some cases, a stipend of £10,500 per annum.
Contributions to 
fees for international students will be judged on an
case-by-case basis.

Applications are accepted anytime, but the closing
date to be 
considered for a studentship will be 16 April 2004.
studentships will start October 2004.

For further information about the Institute 

An on-line application form is available at:
The PG Portal allows students to easily track the
status of their 

The successful students will be registered in one of
the three lead 
Schools. However, all application forms should be
submitted via the 
School of Computer Science and IT, for the purposes of

administrative processing.

Please see the LSRI web site for potential supervisors
and a list of 
their research interests:

For all vacancies see our Internet page 



Postgraduate Studentship opportunities (MSc / PhD)

Department of Psychology 

The Psychology Department expects to award up to 8
studentships tenable from October 2004. These include:

-2 ESRC 1+3 Quota Studentships
-Departmental Teaching Studentships
-Lancaster University Doctoral Fellowships

We welcome applications from individuals with
backgrounds in psychology (normally, a First or Upper
Second Class 
degree or equivalent) who wish to conduct postgraduate
research in 
any of the following areas:

-Infant and Child Development 
-Social, Conceptual, and Historical Psychology 
-Behavioural Neuroscience. 
-Applied Psychology (e.g.: human-computer interaction)

Please look at our web-pages for a full description of
interests and supervision areas 

The department was rated 5A in RAE 2001, runs ESRC
recognised MSc 
courses in Psychological Research Methods and
Psychology, and has excellent computing and laboratory
equipment for 
postgraduate students. Purpose-built living
accommodation and social 
facilities are available in the University Graduate
College. Further 
details may be found at

For information about how to apply, please contact (as
soon as 
possible): Dr. Mark Levine, Director of Postgraduate
Studies for the 
Department. (01524) 592915; Email
Hannon, Postgraduate Co-ordinator (01524) 594975 

The closing date for applications is 1st April 2004. 

Interviews will be held on the 22nd and 23rd April. 



info di:
10 Bioinformatics PhD and Postdoc Positions at CBS/DTU
(February 13, 2004) 

Five PhD stipends and five fixed-term postdoc
positions within the general area of
Bioinformatics and Integrative Biology are available
at CBS. The positions are
funded by grants from the Danish National Research
Foundation, the Danish Technical
Research Council, EU and NIH. The projects fall within
the topics described below,
and they all involve collaboration with groups at
foreign or Danish universities
(SDU, AU and KU), as well as industrial partners. 

Large scale integration of highly diverse sets of
data: gene sequences and their
control regions, information on genetic variation,
gene expression profiles, protein
structure, protein-protein interaction data, temporal
data on protein complex
formation, and signaling cascades, etc.
Compartment-specific cell cycle simulation,
disease gene finding. 
Construction of novel tools for prediction of protein
PTMs, linking PTM patterns to
protein function, large-scale protein function
prediction. Specific tasks include
kinase-specific phosphorylation site prediction,
prediction of caspase and
propeptide cleavage sites as well as tyrosine
sulfation sites. Design of peptide
arrays for data production. 
Analysis of specific bacterial genomes, in particular
from organisms being
pathogenic to humans. Development of computational
methods for systematic
classification of the potential pathogenic properties
of proteins. Comparative
genomics, promoter structural analysis, and links to
protein functional categories. 
Gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
quantified by DNA microarrays and
Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE). CBS
conducts research into DNA microarray
design, probe selection, data normalization,
statistical analysis and functional
annotation. Diagnostic and prognostic tools for human
diseases using second
generation microarray equipment (Febit) and
bioinformatics tools. Many basic
problems in probe design, sample treatment, data
processing and classification
remain to be solved. 
Phylogenetic methods, focus on the probabilistic
modeling framework (maximum
likelihood and Bayesian techniques). Applied work
(e.g., medically exploitable
insights) to pure basic science (insights into the
evolutionary process itself).
Current research projects include: Detection of
positive selection, viral evolution,
evolution of drug resistance, evolution of non-coding
DNA, evolution and origin of
introns, evolution of evolvabilty. 
The long term goal is to establish an in silico immune
system, useful for vaccine
design and basic hypothesis testing. On the short term
models of specific steps in
immune system processing of patogen sequence data are
constructed, such as
predicters for MHC class I and II epitopes,
TAP-transport and proteasomal protein
degradation. Such models can be combined and may help
understanding disease
mechanisms, develop therapies, vaccines and diagnostic
tools for e.g. HIV, TB,
allergy and cancer. 



Scholarships for PhD students

Goethe University, Frankfurt/ Main (Germany)

The PhD Program "Finance and Monetary Economics",
sponsored by the 
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), is offering as
of October 1st, 2004,

Scholarships for PhD students

The program is designed to promote outstanding
theoretical and empirical 
research in the fields of macroeconomics, monetary
economics, and 
finance. It offers a stimulating international
environment with close 
contacts to the European Central Bank, the Bundesbank,
and other leading 
financial institutions. (web site:

QUALIFICATIONS: A university degree passed with
distinction at the 
Master level in economics or business administration
is required for 
admission into the program. Exceptional students
coming from related 
fields such as mathematics are also encouraged to
apply. Emphasis of the 
program is on quantitative, formal analysis, so
applicants will need a 
strong math background. Good results in TOEFL and GRE
tests will 
increase the chances for a successful application. For
highly qualified 
applicants, a limited number of scholarships of
approximately EURO 1000 
per month for up to three years is available,
sponsored by the DFG. 
Married students and those with children will receive
additional funds.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Please download the application
form on our web 
site and send it together with your curriculum vita,
copies of relevant 
academic transcripts and two confidential letters of
recommendation by 
April 20th, 2004, to Prof. Christian Schlag, Graduate
Program "Finance 
and Monetary Economics", Faculty of Economics and
Administration, Goethe University, Mertonstr. 17-21 /
Uni-PF 77, 60054 
Frankfurt/Main, Germany, or by email to

Lautan Sati Rantau Batuah
Sutan Palito Alam
33 th

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