On 9/21/2011 9:44 PM, Dave D. wrote:
> It stands to reason that a smaller side profile tank will undoubtedly
> outperform it's larger adversaries.

Most people would agree that Mr. Tyng and I have roughly the same skill levels and we have certainly battled enough times so that our records are statistically valid. So, consider the Tiger vs. the Cromwell. The Cromwell is not only faster than the Tiger, but also has a lower profile with less target area. Accordingly to your theory, the Cromwell should always outperform the Tiger. However, a quick look at the statistics will show that the Tiger has given up 80,000 points over the last 9 years (8,900 per year), while the Cromwell has given up 72,750 points over the last 7 years (10,392 per year), which are pretty darn close averages.

For even more scientific proof, consider the 9 year records of Joe's Hetzer vs. my Tiger. Once again, the Hetzer is smaller and faster than the Tiger, but over the same 9 years period the Hetzer has received almost 35% more hits.

So, amongst some of the most experienced battlers in the hobby, the statistics clearly show that size and speed are *not* the main determinants in the outcome of a battle. Rather, battling skill, the reliability of the systems and the nature of the game itself determine the outcome to a far greater extent.

To prove my point once and for all, I throw down the following challenge. Build whatever size tank you want and make it as fast as you want. We'll give it a 40/4 rating regardless of it's actual characteristics for your first two years of battling. Then, come to at least two MAG battles and show us your battlefield domination. If you score more net points than everyone else during those battles, we'll allow you to change whatever rules you want.

        Frank P.

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