Adam responded to Mike:

>> So far we at QBI are leaning toward utilizing Mac's cheat sheets.
>Which were put together based on drafts that might not represent the final 
>published instructions.
Most of what is required to be RDA compliant for interfiling, is to
change the forms of entry for the Bible, the Qur'an, and treaties.

The replacement of GMDs by media terms will affect filing in some ILS.
Choice of entry changing to first author mentioned, will in turn
change 600$a$t and 700$a$t entries.  (I suspect some collections will
be wrongly entered under the author of the first title in the

Most abbreviations are spelled out, but that does not affect
interfiling apart from "Dept." in corporate name entries.  Whether a
phrase is in other title information or statement of responsibility
will be of little consequence, and I doubt consistency will occur.

In other areas, RDA offers so many options, that there is no single
standard.  Records will vary by agency, and I suspect within agency,
as never before.  One may transcribe additional authors or not.  One
may trace additional authors not not.  One may have a correlation
between transcribed and traced authors or not.  One may have justified
added entries or not.  One may use any capitalization in title
transcription, except (I assume) all lower case, but if captured that
way I suppose that too could happen.

SLC cheat sheets (checked during the August free Toolkit access) set
*much* higher minimum standards than does RDA, and in that regard do
*not* correspond to any RDA draft/version.

AACR2 practices SLC intends to continue, e.g., place of publication
jurisdiction qualifiers, ISBD inclusions, are given in square

We expect to be doing much more upgrading of derived records than at

Suggestions for revisions to the cheat sheets are very welcome.

With AACR2, many of our local practices made it into rule revisions,
e.g., placement of GMD after first title proper for a collection
without a collective title.  (Others never did, e.g., placement of GMD
before an alternate title.)  We hope of course that the same will
happen with RDA, e.g., an option for ISBD inclusions in catalogues
with no single language of the catalogue, a situation RDA ignores.

Some of our local practices are reflected in RDA changes from AACR2
(judging from sample RDA records), e.g., all motion picture credits in
the credits note (with the possible exception of the director of an
auteur film), rather than divided between statement of responsibility
and a note.  (I suspect there will be variation here, in that the RDA
instruction is not very clear, due to combining the rules for various

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://
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