From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access 
[RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of Gene Fieg [gf...@cst.edu]
Sent: March-16-11 6:38 PM
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] RDA "draft"

>I have been reading RDA and I am now in chapter 6 and while it is supposed to 
>be very logical, I don't
> understands why the composition of preferred entries for librettos comes 
> after their construction as variant
> entries to operas, etc.

>It is not clear to me why we can't combine choosing elements and constructing 
>elements in part of RDA
>instead of splitting them.

I compare this to "mise en place" in cooking. First, put out all the 
ingredients, measured and cut as required. Then mix part of the ingredients and 
bake the authorized access point for the musical work. Continue with the 
remainder and cook the variant access points for the musical work. The variant 
titles for the musical work are used in variant access points for the musical 
work. There will be probably be ingredients left over.

The authorized access point also often requires a pre-cooked authorized access 
point for a person. That authorized access point for a person is also made out 
of individual elements. All of the ingredients need to be put together in the 
right order to create the desired authorized or variant access point. It's a 
two-step process: 1) ingredients first, then 2) bake them together.

The leftover ingredients after creating authorized and variant access points 
are interesting in RDA, since we don't have to discard those individual 
elements. Those bits of data can be kept in records, perhaps normalized, and 
utilized in searching and displays. That being the case, it makes sense to have 
all those individual elements kept together, and have the authorized and 
variant access points treated as separate constructions for different purposes. 
That process also anticipates the use of those individual elements in scenarios 
that don't require authorized access points.

Thomas Brenndorfer
Guelph Public Library

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