On 19/03/2013 13:15, Crum, Cathy (KDLA) wrote:
> We are beginning to transition into original cataloging with RDA, but
> we have encountered a situation concerning the title proper and other
> title information.
> The title as presented on the title page is:
> Evaluation of pilot project:
> Emergency traffic control for responders
> In the light of RDA's "transcribe it as you see it" theme, how would
> you transcribe this title?  Would you transcribe all of the title as
> the title proper or is there a title proper and other title
> information?  I feel that "Emergency traffic control for responders"
> is the title proper, but its placement on the title page is
> problematic.  If the 2 title segments had been flipped in sequence, I
> think there would not have been much question about it.  If you were
> to transcribe all of the title as the title proper, would you include
> the colon as well?

This is one of those points where different catalogers will decide
differently. For the reader of course, by far the most valuable part of
this record will *not* the how the title page has been transcribed, but
the the URL that goes to the item:
http://www.ktc.uky.edu/files/2012/06/KTC_11_05_SPR_398_10_1F.pdf (I
assume this is the item)

It seems to me that the problem actually boils down to: what will the
searcher see in a browse list? After all, as long as the t.p. is
transcribed, everything will be searchable, but perhaps it will make a
difference for the relevance ranking. Still, when browsing, will people
see only the title proper or at least a part of the $b? Browse lists
should not be limited to titles proper because of the lack of
consistency about titles proper, as pointed out by Mark Ehlert and Kevin
Randall, and I have never seen a browse list of titles limited only to
245$a, at least none that I can remember.

It's interesting to see how it works in Google:

First result is (on my machine): "Evaluation of Pilot Project: Emergency
Traffic Control for Responders...", second is into the actual pdf, then
the third is "Emergency Traffic Control for Responders Training Pilot
Project ..."

If you scroll over the first record and hold the arrow over the >> for a
moment, you will see a preview display of the record as it displays in
the Kentucky Transportation Center. If you do the same for the second
hit (the direct link to the pdf), it takes a moment, but then you see
the t.p. The third does not have a preview. (The fourth one they want
you to pay from $15 to $48 for a copy!)

The Google interface is a little clunky, I admit, but also kind of nice
to see everything.
*James Weinheimer* weinheimer.ji...@gmail.com
*First Thus* http://catalogingmatters.blogspot.com/
*Cooperative Cataloging Rules*
*Cataloging Matters Podcasts*

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