Hi Cathy

I don't believe there's any conflict here, between what you want to do
(use "Emergency traffic control for responders" as the title proper) and
what RDA is telling you to do in 2.3.2 Title proper and 2.3.4 Other
title information.

The title proper is defined as "the chief name of a resource, i.e. the
title normally used when citing the resource"; and other title
information is defined as "the information which appears in conjunction
with, and is subordinate to, the title proper".  

I do not believe that a phrase appearing above another phrase on a title
page necessarily makes it more important - you can use your judgement to
determine which phrase is intended as the chief name, and which phrase
is subordinate.

Hope this helps



Jenny Wright

Development Manager

Bibliographic Data Services Ltd.




From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access
[mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of Crum, Cathy (KDLA)
Sent: 19 March 2013 12:15
Subject: [RDA-L] RDA and the Title Proper


Hi all,


We are beginning to transition into original cataloging with RDA, but we
have encountered a situation concerning the title proper and other title


The title as presented on the title page is:


Evaluation of pilot project:

Emergency traffic control for responders


In the light of RDA's "transcribe it as you see it" theme, how would you
transcribe this title?  Would you transcribe all of the title as the
title proper or is there a title proper and other title information?  I
feel that "Emergency traffic control for responders" is the title
proper, but its placement on the title page is problematic.  If the 2
title segments had been flipped in sequence, I think there would not
have been much question about it.  If you were to transcribe all of the
title as the title proper, would you include the colon as well?


Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated!


Cathy Crum


Cathy Crum

Cataloging Supervisor

State Library Services

Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives




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