I think this angle didn't come up in the previous thread.  If so, I
apologize in advance.

Under AACR2, we were not to apply a conventional collective title to a
collection of works like poems or short stories that had a distinctive
title proper.  I'm wondering if people will continue to observe this rule
(as a rule of thumb, perhaps?).

Piece in hand.
Title proper: There once lived a girl who seduced her sister's husband and
he hanged himself
Conventional Collective Title: Short Stories. English. Selections. 2013

The title proper is certainly distinctive, and there is no name-title
authority record that records the relationship of the conventional
collective title to the work (the collection), but I find the conventional
collective title in the bibliographic record.

RDA doesn't seem to speak to this issue, and the LC PCC PS is
about whether to give authorized access points for the subordinate parts,
not for what to do with the preferred title of the collection as far as I
can tell.


Adger Williams
Colgate University Library

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