I'm not sure if I'm reading RDA correctly here, but I'm going to paraphrase
what I think RDA is saying: If the compilation is known by a distinctive title already, go
ahead and use that as the preferred title (i.e., 240 if necessary).
Otherwise: If the compilation is a collection of all of the authors works,
give *Works *as the preferred title. If the compilation is a collection of all of the authors works
in a single form, give the that as the preferred title. (i.e.*Short stories*
) If the compliation is selections of the author's works, then
give access to those works in analytical entries OR (reading the *
Alternative*)  identify the work with a conventional collective title (as
above; Selections, Plays, Essays, etc.) with *Selections *appended (you may
also give analytical added entries for the individual works as well)

I read LC's PCC PS at this point as saying "Choose this alternate way:
Instead of giving each work it's own analytical added entry, add a
Conventional collective title (Such as Short Stories. Selections. English)
plus ONE authorized access point for the first or major work that's
included in this compilation"

I'm still a bit confused by that example as to how to give access to the
compiled works: Is the first example two works only in one volume and they
use the first work as the 240 and the second with a 700(12)? Not sure. But
anyway, that's how I read it, and it would help explain why your
collection, with a distinctive title, gets a Conventional Collective Title.

~Leigh Billings

On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 8:15 AM, Adger Williams <awilli...@colgate.edu>wrote:

> I think this angle didn't come up in the previous thread.  If so, I
> apologize in advance.
> Under AACR2, we were not to apply a conventional collective title to a
> collection of works like poems or short stories that had a distinctive
> title proper.  I'm wondering if people will continue to observe this rule
> (as a rule of thumb, perhaps?).
> Piece in hand.
> Title proper: There once lived a girl who seduced her sister's husband and
> he hanged himself
> Conventional Collective Title: Short Stories. English. Selections. 2013
> The title proper is certainly distinctive, and there is no name-title
> authority record that records the relationship of the conventional
> collective title to the work (the collection), but I find the conventional
> collective title in the bibliographic record.
> RDA doesn't seem to speak to this issue, and the LC PCC PS is
> about whether to give authorized access points for the subordinate parts,
> not for what to do with the preferred title of the collection as far as I
> can tell.
> Thanks
> --
> Adger Williams
> Colgate University Library
> 315-228-7310
> awilli...@colgate.edu

Leigh Billings (redn...@umich.edu)
Information Resources Cataloging Specialist
Slavic, East European & Eurasian Division of Area Programs
University of Michigan Library
111-C North Hatcher Graduate Library
913 S. University
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1190
(734) 647-3819

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