To me, it has to do with the phrases "known by" and "resources embodying that compilation or in reference sources"; these imply that the compilation as a work in its own right has been around for awhile, and with that particular title.

YMMV, of course.

On 3/21/2013 10:08 AM, Kevin M Randall wrote:

Casey Mullin said, regarding "The best practice for when to apply this condition has not really been established. Certainly, "Leaves of grass" by Whitman would qualify for most catalogers, but new collections published for the first time probably wouldn't."

I don't understand why "new collections published for the first time probably wouldn't." Could you elaborate?


Kevin M. Randall

Principal Serials Cataloger

Northwestern University Library <>

(847) 491-2939

Proudly wearing the sensible shoes since 1978!

Casey A. Mullin
Head, Data Control Unit
Metadata Department
Stanford University Libraries


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from it to carry out research and scholarship may constitute an elite minority rather 
than most of the people of the world (sadly), but that talented and intelligent minority 
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even possible that if we did a better job of providing access to such data, we might 
enable the enlargement of that minority."
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