On Tuesday, June 18, 2013 8:32 AM, Deborah Fritz wrote:
>I would very much like to get some broad feedback from as many of you as 
>possible, on how you would handle the dates for following two resources:
>Example 1
>Copyright (c) 2013
>First printing, August 2012

I would do 264 _1 ...$c[2013]

(Based on LC-PCC PS for, "C. If an item lacking a publication date 
contains a copyright date and a date of manufacture and the years differ, 
supply a date of publication that corresponds to the copyright date, in square 
brackets, if it seems reasonable to assume that date is a likely publication 
date." Even though this is the 1st printing, unless I've missed something, 
under RDA we would still treat subsequent printings in the same way we did 
under AACR2, so this record could be used for the 10th printing in 2016, 
unchanged from the 1st printing in 2012 aside from an updated statement on the 
verso "Copyright (c) 2013, Tenth printing, August 2016".)

I would provide no additional information (aside from possibly 264 _4$c(c)2013).


>Example 2
>Copyright (c) 2007
>First printed in paperback 2008
>The hardcover version was published in 2007
>Which date would you use to supply the publication date for the paperback that 
>you have:

Trickier, with the paperback versus hardcover-related issues, but if there were 
no other obvious differences between the 2 (which can be difficult to judge 
based only on the paperback in hand vs. the record for the hardcover), I think 
I'd still go with

264 _1 ...$c[2007]

cataloged on the same record as the hardcover.

If significant enough differences existed between the item in hand vs. the 
record for the hardcover, then I'd say it needed a new record, in which case 
I'd likely go with:

264 _1 ...$c[2008]
more likely than in Example 1, 264 _4$cc2007

I usually don't add a 500 originally published note for paperback vs. 
hardcover-only differences in cases like this--usually only in cases where the 
publisher or title has changed (though sometimes I will include such a note, or 
at least leave it in when I am working with a record from someone who does put 
them in).

I hope this helps,

Bryan Baldus
Senior Cataloger
Quality Books Inc.
The Best of America's Independent Presses

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