Example 1: It depends on how you interpret "First printing, August 2012". While 
this might be the date of manufacture, it might also be the date of publication 
of the first printing -- and I was taught that an edition was described from a 
copy of the first printing of that edition. So I would probably give "2012" 
without brackets as the date of publication. 

The copyright date, in this case, is not a core element; different institutions 
will have different policies about whether to include it. 

Example 2: As others have noted, it depends on whether you consider the 
paperback as a distinct manifestation. If so, then the date would be 2008. As 
with the previous example, I think I might interpret this as the date of 
publication of the paperback edition and give "2008" without brackets; 
although, admittedly, the wording in this case does tend to support treating 
2008 as the date of printing. 

I would probably give some indication of when the work was first published. I 
would probably give this in a note "Hardcover edition published in 2007"; I 
doubt that I would give the copyright date on a record for the paperback; it 
would seem only to confuse the issue of when the paperback was published. 

If you are not making a separate description for the paperback, then I would 
not record the 2008 date anywhere in the record -- unless I added a note 
"Paperback edition published in 2008". 


----- Original Message -----

| From: "Deborah Fritz" <debo...@marcofquality.com>
| Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2013 9:31:46 AM
| Subject: [RDA-L] No date of publication, first printing

| Dear RDA-L Folks,

| I would very much like to get some broad feedback from as many of you
| as possible, on how you would handle the dates for following two
| resources:

| Example 1
| Verso of book reads:

| Copyright © 2013
| First printing, August 2012
| ISBN 9780321832740

| Which date would you use to supply the publication date:
| a) the copyright date
| b) the first printing date
| Would you add any other date information?
| ---------------------

| Example 2
| Verso of book reads:

| Copyright © 2007
| First printed in paperback 2008
| ISBN 977-0-300-14333-1 (pbk)
| ISBN 978-0-300-12078-3 (alk. Paper)

| The hardcover version was published in 2007

| Which date would you use to supply the publication date for the
| paperback that you have:
| c) the copyright date
| d) the first printing (paperback) date
| Would you add any other date information?
| ---------------------

| I’m trying to get a sense of how much variation we can expect to see
| in copy cataloging records, for this type of situation.

| If you would rather not share with the list, then would you please
| reply to me personally at: debo...@marcofquality.com ?

| Thanks very much,
| Deborah

| - - - - - - - -
| Deborah Fritz
| TMQ, Inc.
| debo...@marcofquality.com
| www.marcofquality.com

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