> > > Have you looked at QNX? I have not used it, but I've heard good things
> > > about it.
> >
> > replied. So, we lost interest. It's annoying to have to chase after a vendor and
> > repeatedly ask him to sell to us. There was a good editorial to this effect in 

Actually, we may very well take another look at QNX - just as long as they don't push 
us off
to their bizarre Florida distributor.

> They had to beg Honeywell to sell them one.
> So we're not talking about anything new in the computer industry. I don't
> know what these vendors are thinking about, but I do know the results
> (hint: Honeywell is no longer in the computer business). Thus my personal
> preferance -- never chase a vendor. One reason we went with Red Hat
> instead of Caldera is because I called Caldera and said "We need twelve
> units at reseller pricing." They said "Huh? Duh, what's that? We don't
> have a reseller program set up yet, here, let me fax you twenty sheets of
> stuff to join our Independent Solutions Provider program, it only costs
> $500 to join." Then I called Red Hat and said "We need twelve units at
> reseller pricing." Two days later they arrived by Federal Express.

For someone who has occasionally lived on the edge of economic disaster, I find it 
to grasp the notion of companies spending millions on advertising and then pissing on
customers when they respond. My only theory is that, while the chairman of the board 
(with the
notable exception of AT&T, and look what happened to the charming Mr Allen) may want 
to expand
his company's customer base and revenues, those down below who actually deal with 
customers do
not feel that their economic well-being has anything at all to do with those pesky 
people who
call and expect to be served. Why else do so many use voice mail as a screen against
customers' calls?

As for Caldera, isn't that company now run by the chap who ran Novell? If so, does 
that tell
you anything?


        David Fisher
        Chief Engineer
        Fisher Research Corporation
        Rochester, New York
        716 328 4230
        fax 328 1984

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