On Fri, 5 Jun 1998, David Fisher wrote:
> > Then why, oh why, are you baiting us??!! It's because of postings like
> > yours that these pointless, off-topic religious arguments get started in
> > the first place. This is a Linux list--do expect us NOT to defend it?
> >
> > As I said before, let's keep it off this list!
> >
> > [Sorry for throwing fuel on the fire. We now return you to our regularly
> > scheduled list...]
> Good point, and one deserving of an honest answer.
> First, it's cheap, easy, and momentarily entertaining sport to goad
> the more rabid Linuxites (with well-deserved apologies to the rational
> and well-behaved ones who do not feel it necessary to defame NT at
> every opportunity) and then sit back and watch the fur fly.
Cheap, maybe for those of us with direct connections, but not for those
that pay for their online time--it's a waste of bandwidth and time to
fetch the 10++ responses and counter-responses to this (and other)
subjects. (And, yes, I am now guilty of it too :)
As for your entertainment, what are you, a masochist? :) Again, this
isn't the place for it--isn't there a comp.linux.advocacy or something?
> Second, defense of Linux is not required, for Linux was NOT attacked.
> The barb was aimed directly at those who seem unable to resist placing
> NT in the same runlevel as the devil himself.
And as you say, you're goading people into a response, which you well know
will be defensive--otherwise, you'd have no fun.
> Third, what makes it off-topic?
This list is intended to be a mutual support group for getting our Linux
(specifically Red Hat) problems solved--not for jihads. "Do not ask or
discuss why Linux is better than NT" is even in the General Posting
Policies for this list. Now, obviously, we're going to get the occasional
questions regarding HTML or C or something, or a joke here and there, but
to intentionally start a pointless pissing contest is pretty off-base.
(I don't think anyone would have a problem with an NT vs Linux discussion
if it didn't come up every other month!)
> Fourth, if this is indeed off-topic, then please address your
> criticism to those who make anti-NT hysteria part of every message
> they post.
But you see, no one here--except you, apparently--cares about the
occasional NT-slam. I think most of us pretty much ignore them because we
either agree, or we have better things to worry about. (I would have
ignored your original barb if I hadn't remembered you doing something
similar a few months ago....)
To me, it doesn't matter much which OS is "better" (though on principle,
Linux is my fave--I have more of a problem with M$ as an entity than I do
with its products). Linux works for me, so I use it. (And I didn't have
to invest mucho dinero to learn it and apply it to everyday business use.)
> Let's face it; NT is not going away. Each time someone associated with
> Linux slings mud, it ends up on him, not on NT. Think about it...
Sure it's not going away. M$ has too much invested in it to let it fade
away. (Uh-oh, now I've done it...) We have one NT box here that we were
required to get to run some Xerox apps. It has, for the most part, served
us well, but I have no experience with an NT server. Still, it seems like
they've just reinvented the Unix wheel--and added an easy-to-use GUI. Go
ahead and stomp on me for that last sentence, but you're not going to
change my mind.
No hard feelings, and Cheers!
Mike Edwards, MIS
Edwards Graphic Arts, Inc.
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