On Tue, Mar 25, 2003 at 02:47:33PM -0800, nate wrote:
> curious, does redhat provide the erratta updates to the public? from what
> I have seen they do not, so it would be up to the end user to find the
> patch & patch manually. Not that they are under any obligation to provide
> such information, from my understanding the GPL only requires source
> distribution for those that recieve the binary distribution. 

Red Hat currently releases the errata to the public, but not always in a
timely manner.  If people really start getting Enterprise Linux for free
and Red Hat sees this as a serious revenue threat, I would not be
surprised to see Red Hat no longer make them available except via RHN -
it's easy to do since *all* Enterprise Linux customers have free RHN
access.  Additionally, nobody says the sources have to be nicely package
into an rpm.  Red Hat could easily issue nice binary rpms for their
customers, and then externally just distribute out tar files and be
fully GPL compliant. 

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program

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