On Tue, 2003-03-25 at 10:09, Bill Anderson wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-03-25 at 07:39, Ed Wilts wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 25, 2003 at 08:52:39AM -0300, Martin Marques wrote:
> > > I surely have my systems on 7.3, and was waiting for 8.1 to come out.
> > > I don't know if I will switch to 9.0.
> > 
> > If you evaluated Phoebe and liked it, why would 9 not suit your needs?
> > What makes you think that 9 is that much different than what you thought
> > 8.1 was going to be?  It's just a number!
> If there is a technical reason for the change, then yes, it is different
> enough. The reasons suggested here are technical reasons, such as
> breaking binary compatibility. if the changes are enough to warrant a
> new major release number, then it will indeed be another X.0 release,
> complete with issues that tend to plague X.0 releases.

I suspect technical changes (and associated incompatibilities) are the
reason for the version jump.  However, I also think the .0 fear is a bit
misplaced.  My approach is usually to put .0 releases on a test box and
hammer on them for a couple of weeks.  If it works, great, if not, then
I wait and apply updates until it does.  No big deal.  What's the
difference between 7.3 stock and 7.0 with all the updates installed? 
Not much.  Personally, I've been running 8.0 on all my desktops and a
couple of servers without a problem.  In fact, I've had less problems
with 8.0 than I had with 7.3.

Bottom line is that they could have called it 8.1 and announced
compatibility issues with 8.0 and everyone would have jumped on it and
said "see, I told you to wait for 8.1", and been patting themselves on
the back while they installed it.  Since it's called 9.0, suddenly
there's this unfounded and practically mystical fear of 0.

Bottom line is this:  test *all* new releases, whether .0, .1, or .9
prior to putting them to work in critical applications.  Putting your
faith in a decimal point is silly.

OTOH, I do see the point that people with RHCEs make.  It's unfortunate
for them and I do think that perhaps RH should address that somehow
(issue updated certificates?).

Cliff Wells, Software Engineer
Logiplex Corporation (www.logiplex.net)
(503) 978-6726 x308  (800) 735-0555 x308

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