On Tue, Mar 25, 2003 at 06:30:17PM -0500, Ben Russo wrote:
> The "BINARY" RPM's are only available through RHN, and even if you have 
> a Redhat AS
> RHN subscription with which to download them, they are (IANAL) 
> "copyrighted" or licensed
> or something so you are not allowed to redistribute them.
> However the SRPMs are available via the RedHat FTP site and the RedHat 
> mirrors.
> As long as you build the SRPM yourself you are "Free" to do so.
> RedHat *HAS* to do this for all the software packages that come from 
> Open Source Licenses.
> They don't have a choice.  

They have a lot of choices.  They have to make the sources available
to those that get the binaries.  You and I don't have to get them.  Red
Hat can also distribute the sources in any traditional software
distribution they choose - this could be tar files, not srpms.  Red Hat
could release the srpms only through RHN and be compliant since *every*
Enterprise Linux has RHN access (it's part of the service).

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program

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