Michael Fratoni writes:
>Hash: SHA1
>On Sunday 05 May 2002 03:42 pm, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
>> >3) register your system for up2date and let the up2date agent do its
>> > thing. It may take a while but a fully updated system is less prone
>> > to security holes.
>> Tried that.  It doesn't work - keeps dying part way through, saying
>> that I need authorization.  It's only good for one box, anyway.  If you
>> have multiple computers you have to pay.  I'm not going to be able to
>> pursued the rest of my family members to switch to Linux if they have
>> to pay them a regular fee for the privilege.
>I don't know Red Hat's position here, but I'd imagine that if each 
>machine belonged to a different family member, then each would be 
>entitled to updates. I'm under the impression that it is a one machine 
>per user limit for free up2date service.

I would think the fee would be intended for business accounts, not residential
or non-commercial accounts.  But I could be wrong.


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