On Mon, 2002-05-06 at 18:34, Rodolfo J. Paiz wrote:
> At 5/7/2002 01:24 AM +0200, you wrote:
> >Hit the nearest ftp site for the Powertools and get the rpm for mirror.
> >Install it and edit /etc/mirror.defaults to suit you.
> >Then create a config file to mirror Red Hat's updates.
> >You can then run `mirror <config_file>` every once in a while
> >(what I do at home) or put it in /etc/cron.daily (what I do at work).
> Try to avoid doing this on a daily basis; much better is to do it once a 
> week during the middle of the night, and then trigger it manually when you 
> know there is a particular update you want.
> Mirroring daily seriously increases the bandwidth drain on the mirror 
> servers (especially since you get bunches of packages you don't even have 
> installed!), thereby raising everyone's cost of supporting Linux in general 
> and Red Hat in particular. And BTW, the more people that do this, the 
> slower everyone's downloads become.
> In short, it's rude as hell. Ideally, get only the updates *you* need by 
> using up2date. If you wish to mirror or need to mirror, then make sure that 
> you are supplying more than just one or two computers so that you don't hog 
> a bunch of Net space for kicks.

This makes it sound like I am downloading each file every time I run
mirror.  I am not.  I only get new files once and then only check it
each time I run mirror.  I have not put it in a cron job but run it
whenever I get a notification there is an update.  I have intended to
run it nightly though.  Am I missing something?  I also use :
because in my reading I found references that it takes a little more
bandwidth but MUCH less processing time on the remote machine.  Is this
true in your opinion?   

we have around 40  redhat boxes and about to ad 10 more and to think
that everytime I add another I would have to re-download the updates is
seriously crazy.  I only have a dsl connection at the office.

If I am in error in my understanding of how mirror works please
enlighten me.


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