The all comers policy may not be viewpoint discriminatory, but it is in,
at least in potential, viewpoint annihilatory. That makes it nonsensical
for a forum explicitly designed to encourage a diversity of viewpoints.


Mark Scarberry



[] On Behalf Of Rick Duncan
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2010 11:47 AM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Subject: RE: Factual Clarification re CLS


Interestingly, Hastings takes the position that the policy it is
enforcing against the CLS is not a sexual orientation policy, but an
"all comers" policy, a policy that forbids any group from discriminating
against any person who wishes to be a member. Under this policy, an
NAACP student group would have to admit racists as voting members and
even leaders of the group, and the Young Republicans would have to allow
democrats to be voting members and leaders.

I think the school took this tack to avoid the viewpoint discrimination
argument, but may have substituted an even greater problem for the one
it seeks to avoid.

The school may even lose Justice Breyer, who in the oral argument
referred to the policy as "fantastical"  and as creating a silly kind of
forum in which "everyone gets together in a nice discussion group and
hugs each other."

That led Mike McConnell to conclude that the policy does not even
provide a rational basis for excluding a student group from a forum with
the stated purpose of creating a diverse marketplace of ideas. As Mike
put it, the all comers policy does not even slightly advance the stated
purpose of the forum, and indeed is destructive of that purpose by
prohibiting groups from having a membership policy based upon its
organizing principles and beliefs.

Rick Duncan 
Welpton Professor of Law 
University of Nebraska College of Law 
Lincoln, NE 68583-0902

"And against the constitution I have never raised a storm,It's the
scoundrels who've corrupted it that I want to reform" --Dick Gaughan
(from the song, Thomas Muir of Huntershill)


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