Hi Mark

I have built a few of these from "subs" not necessarilloy from the same station 
Not always a good idea.

Sounds l ike you have everyting in the right place(s) --

With equipment this old you're up against 
(1) Possible "modifciation" from previous interventions
(2) aging of edge connection and integrity.
(3) ??

We have worked out issues with Mocor stations in recent times and I found that 
following the system diagram 
and the related card diags you can scope out the repeat audio at different 
poiints and shoul hav eminimal time wasted in locating where the 
problem is - from there you can swap cards ( if you have spares ) or do diags 
on the card.  Check the condition of the back plane pins etc and jiggle the sta 
control module around
along with the others. etc you may find an intermittent.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: n9wys 
  To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 8:56 AM
  Subject: [Repeater-Builder] UHF MICOR Unified Chassis

  OK gang, I'm working on another project and have run into a wall.

  I have a UHF MICOR Unified chassis station that I am reassembling with the
  thought of putting it on GMRS once finished. Yes, this station was TOTALLY
  disassembled and scattered to the four winds - chassis, PA and some cards
  came from one place, more cards from another, yet more cards from yet
  another place, power supply and cabinet from yet another... I have the
  station reassembled to the point where it is operating in that it repeats
  (keys up on receipt of signal and PL) but it does not pass audio. And yes,
  I am resurrecting it on the freqs it was originally tuned before I make any
  changes. Right now it's on 462.0000/467.0000 and has one 4-User Control
  Module (PL decode) card in the chassis. No PL on TX yet... The station has
  the following cards in the chassis (listed from right to left):

  Line Driver
  Station Control Module
  Squelch Gate
  Time Out Timer
  Master Decoder
  4-User Control Module Card

  Am I missing any other cards?

  I know these stations have jumpers all over the place - backplane, cards,
  etc. - that all needed to be configured properly for the thing to work the
  way it should. I have the manuals, but I am stumped. I know I'm missing
  something, SOMEWHERE - my problem is: WHAT and WHERE? 

  Besides, the manual's diagram for the backplane shows jumpers numbered in a
  certain sequence and the backplane I have has them numbered differently -
  they're in the same locations, but numbered differently. (For example JU1
  and JU3 are opposite when the manual is compared to the one I have in the
  shack.) I've also gone to the Repeater-Builder web site, but those pages
  seem to refer more to the conversion of the station or cards rather than
  making it work "as designed." Maybe once I get it going, then I can think
  about conversion of the cards that Kevin referenced...

  Anyway - as far as the backplane goes, I think all jumpers except for JU5
  should be OUT. Am I correct? (I currently do not plan on any remote
  control of the station, but later down the road maybe tone remote
  operation...) And what about the Line Driver, Squelch Gate and/or Station
  Control Module cards jumpers?

  Any ideas? (Kevin, you're the MICOR guru...)

  Mark - N9WYS


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