Hi Jeremy,

thanks a lot for stepping up to jumpstart this effort.

We already started discussion possible features before the new-year and put some things on the wiki here:

I'm most interested in the first stage: "facilitate regular coding". I notice that the most time I lose when developing a RIFE application is when I look around for files and type in template tags or XML declarations in the site/element declarations. Having an awareness of your entire project and being able to just click on a template name or an included site or element would be very nice.

I'll try out your Weblogic plugin and see what could be reused, as you suggest on IRC.

Best regards,


Jeremy Whitlock wrote:
Hey all,
I have been talking to Geert about an Eclipse Plugin for Rife. He seems interested in beginning development on it and wanted someone to get it started. I would like to fill these shoes and have a track proven record to do so. I have written a plugin that will probably perform similarly to how the Rife plugin should. It is a WebLogic plugin for Eclipse that was written before Eclipse's Web Tools Project and in many ways is better than the WebLogic support in WTP. I was asked to conduct a BoF at the most recent U.S. BEAWorld to talk about the plugin. I was surprise at how many BEA developers had used my plugin and they gave me great praise for the work. To check this out, visit here:


Let me know what you think and if you are interested, lets start brainstorming for how this should work and what the features should be.

Take care,



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Geert Bevin                       Uwyn bvba
"Use what you need"               Avenue de Scailmont 34
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gbevin[remove] at uwyn dot com    Tel +32 64 84 80 03

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