
While the starting/starting of Rife isn't really a function of Rife, we will want to be able to start/stop and embedded container, like Jetty/Tomcat, to allow us to control the Rife environment. (This would also allow for us to debug Rife applications.) That is what would be started and stopped. As for your ideas of visualizing a site and it's components, that is definately a reality. Working with local/remote servers would be available as well as Eclipse supports both.

This will be great. It sounds a little like Jumpstart as a plugin.

Debugging facilities are easy. My plugin already provides them. For the modeling of Rife, we just need to know what to model and if we want to model the actual breakpoints and visually view the app running somehow, the APIs already exist in Eclipse.

Ok :) GEF needs a little help to work that easy.

This idea isn't a half baked idea. We have a very powerful and extendable IDE at our hands. We also have great developers with experience in all technologies involved. I do not see us having a problem with coming up with an idea and making it so.

Think so too. It`s possible to handle with Eclipse. And with it`s Architecture is open for further extensions from other contributors.

cu odo

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