When I migrate massive amounts of files, I ordinarily do an rsync over SSH
if it's between hosts.  That being said, it can also be used locally.  If
you have better things to do than watch a file copy progress, run it in a
screen session so you can detach, ssh back in from somewhere else, and

Rsync (if I recall) will copy the file, permissions, ownership, and check
the integrity.

If you're doing it remotely over SSH (i.e. don't want to set up rsyncd):

# rsync -av -e ssh --progress u...@source.hostname.com:/var/snd/ /var/snd/

If you like you can add -z to turn on compression.

To do it locally:
# rsync -av --progress /foo/bar/source/ /foo/bar/destination//

Note that you'll probably need to run it as root or with sudo permissions
to ensure the correct permissions are set on the files and directories.

On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 4:28 PM, Cowboy <c...@gwis.com> wrote:

> On Wednesday 23 November 2011 04:14:43 pm Nathan Steele wrote:
> > oh, and I didn't use the -a flag, because I'm a noob that doesn't know
> > what i'm doing.....I can check the ownership and permissions somehow
> > after the copy is complete and fix it if it's wrong though, right?
>  Which I corrected in the addendum.
>  Yes, you can, but you'd better do it right.
>  I once did a recursive ownership change, because it was
>  faster/easier than doing the hundred or so files one by one,
>  and that file named .. got me.
>  Changed the whole system recursively, which prevented the
>  box from running due to wrong ownership/permissions.
>  Can we say "DOH !!"
> --
> Cowboy
> http://cowboy.cwf1.com
> Ed Sullivan will be around as long as someone else has talent.
>                -- Fred Allen
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