That's what I figured, I'm starting to get used to this thing called 'nix ;)

I started copying files this morning, but I didn't do it the exact way 
you said. most notable difference is that the automation has been 
running the whole time, so it is reading /var/snd. I did tell everyone 
not to try to add anything to the system though, and there is nothing I 
can think of that should be automatically adding files, no dropboxes 
getting filled or RDCatch events.

It seems to be working, about an hour to go until it's done copying, 
then I guess we'll see....

ok wait, I read your post again, i can do the copy, but then stop 
everything to do the update?

at any point do i need to do anything on the remote workstations to 
"refresh" them to the new /var/snd? i assume no because it must be doing 
some refr4eshing anyway to see new files....


Nathaniel C. Steele
Assistant Chief Engineer/Technical Director
WTRM-FM / TheCrossFM

On 11/23/2011 3:37 PM, Cowboy wrote:
> On Wednesday 23 November 2011 09:12:03 am Nathan Steele wrote:
>> My new plan is thus: We have a spare Lacie NAS RAID array that I want to
>> copy /var/snd to and then mount it to the server as /var/snd.
>   Good plan !
>> Question, if I do this, it then becomes the servers /var/snd, so on the
>> workstations which already look at the server to mount /var/snd will
>> they pick it up automatically?
>   It will replace the existing directory on the server, and be exported the
>   same as previously. In other words, nothing to do, nothing to worry about.
>   Here's the plan....
>   Mount your new array on the server some plece.
>   /mnt/NAS for example. ( I'd create the mount point just to keep things
>   straight in my head, and /mnt/NAS seems as good as any )
>   Copy all of the existing /var/snd to it.
>   cp -a /var/snd/* /mnt/NAS/
>   ( the -a flag tells cp to maintain ( as much as possible ) all 
> characteristics
>   of the source file, such as permissions and ownership )
>   STOP anything using /var/snd ( this will be your biggest disruption )
>   do an update.
>   cp -u /var/snd/* /mnt/NAS/
>   The purpose of the update is to pick up anything added or changed
>   while the previous copy was running. The update should take a few seconds.
>   ( nothing compared to the full copy )
>   Unmount whatever is currently mounted on /var/snd
>   Unmount ( the command is umount not unmount ) /mnt/NAS
>   Mount the NAS device on /var/snd
>   Re-start nfsd ( so it will automatically pick up any relevant changes )
>   Continue as if the NAS had been on /var/snd all along.
>   Notice that there are no configuration changes whatever.
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