The main thrust of this email seems to assume a fact not in evidence.

The plan described by the chairs does not envision a document providing complete coverage of all ideas presented to the RRG< nor does it describe providing a complete and thorough analysis of each idea.
rather, it provides a survey of the ideas, with some commentary.

Personally, I can not foresee any process which would come to an actual agreement on a recommendation from the RRG, and therefore conclude that the survey is probably the most effective outcome we can achieve as a community.

I will note in passing that it is quite rare in IETF or IRTF documents to attribute authorship of particular portions. (There are exceptions when the WG wishes to acknowledge a particular contribution of particular value that comes from a single person, but even that is done sparsely.)


PS: I would suggest looking at the introduction (the abstract needs to be updated) of the most recent document.

Robin Whittle wrote:
Short version:     What objections are there to having two or more
                   well written, generally non-overlapping, ~500
                   word critiques for a proposal if the authors can't
                   figure out a way to express all their concerns
                   in a single ~500 word piece?

                   Also, would there be any problem in attributing
                   authorship of the one or more critiques?

                   I understand the plan for Summary, Critique,
                   "Rebuttal" and Reflection.  What is the plan for
                   debate and hopefully achieving rough consensus (or
                   better than rough) support for a choice of a
                   single proposal (or maybe two or more?) to
                   recommend to the IETF?

                   The options for altering the architecture to
                   achieve scalable routing and addressing are
                   tightly bounded by the installed base and by
                   the need for widespread voluntary adoption.

                   My page on some of these constraints:

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