Replying to Joel, John Drake and Dino regarding including a section
on the constraints imposed by the need for widespread voluntary adoption:

Hi Joel,

You wrote:

> Personally, I would object to including that effort in the report.
> While I laud your efforts to try to pull things together.  I
> personally find many of the distinctions ineffective or misleading.
> The text itself is not wrong (generally),

"Ineffective or misleading" means "wrong".

> but I find it sufficiently unhelpful that I have not tried to
> analyze it for accuracy.

OK - so you think it is a worthwhile thing to write about, but you
don't like the way I have done it.  You say you find many shortcomings
with it, but you haven't given any specifics.

You don't think it should be in the report - but I wasn't suggesting
using exactly this text.  I suggested improving it.

I am happy to work with you and other people rewriting it.  I would
be happier if you or someone else rewrote it or created a fresh
version without my help.

This whole discussion is overshadowed by the constraints on what we
can do, and probably the most important set of constraints arise from
the need for widespread voluntary adoption.  I think these should be

> Also, as those constraints were not adopted by the working
> group, and were not adopted by the proposers of the various
> approaches, including it in a survey of our work would not help
> the reader in any significant fashion.

Sure - I wasn't suggesting they had been adopted.

I suggested improving them to the point where hopefully there would
be broad consensus that the text was worth including.

You haven't given me any feedback on what needs improving.

John Drake wrote:

> I agree with Joel.  Enough is enough.

Of what?

Dino wrote:

>> I agree with Joel.  Enough is enough.
> I third the motion.

Dino, do you think the constraints we face - such as those due to the
need for widespread voluntary adoption - are important?

If so, then lets document them.

  - Robin

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