
Perhaps I missed something.  I was under the impression that the RRG
was to provide a recommendation to the IETF, and that this March was
the deadline.  The original deadline, to the best of my knowledge,
was March 2009 but was extended - I assumed for a year.

Lixia and Tony, can you clarify this?

Yes, our deadline is extended until March of this year. At that time, we still aim to present a recommendation. Specifically, we hope to present the recommendation when we meet in Anaheim. We acknowledge that more time (on the order of single-digit weeks) may be necessary to finalize the document.

Please note that we are part of the IRTF, not the IETF and are not bound by the constraints of 'rough consensus'. While achieving 'rough consensus' would be optimal, given the time left that seems dubious. Our goal is still to make a recommendation on schedule.

Please note that there is a placeholder section at the end of the current draft for exactly this.


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