Hi Giuseppe

what is your definition of "This doesn't seem to work" ?
what is the (bad) behaviour that you are seeing ?
Does an email get sent or not ?
What is its subject line and content ?
Anything in the logs ?


On 2012-02-01 12:03, Giuseppe Sollazzo wrote:
I'm trying to set up a different subject for different queues in the
same template (autoreply). This doesn't seem to work:

if ($Ticket->QueueObj->Name eq 'Work Queue') {
Subject: Helpdesk Job Logged: {$Ticket->Subject}
"Output this";
elsif ($Ticket->QueueObj->Name eq 'Task Queue') {
Subject: Support Job Logged: {$Ticket->Subject}
"Output that";
else {
"Output other";

Is there a way to get this work?


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* Boston  March 5 & 6, 2012

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