On Wed, Feb 01, 2012 at 01:55:34PM +0000, Giuseppe Sollazzo wrote:
>    Hash: SHA1
>    Hi Gerard,
>    many thanks - that worked.
>    I really need to refresh my Perl...
>    Cheers,
>    Giuseppe
>    On 01/02/12 13:49, Gerard FENELON wrote:
>    > I suspect my proposal is
>          wrong Try instead
>          >
>          > Subject: { if ($Ticket->QueueObj->Name eq 'Work
>          Queue') { "Helpdesk
>          > Job Logged: " . $Ticket->Subject . " Output this"; }
>          elsif
>          > ($Ticket->QueueObj->Name eq 'Task Queue') { "Support
>          Job Logged: "
>          > . $Ticket->Subject . " Output that"; } else { "Output
>          other"; } }
>          >
>          > Gerard

Guiseppe - for reference, the syntax Gerard gave you came from the
fact that RT's templates are Text::Templates and you can read more
about them on CPAN:



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