On 8 July 2015 at 07:10, OPSPL Goan <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> Colin Law wrote in post #1176330:
>> On 7 July 2015 at 20:01, OPSPL Goan <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
>>> ..
>>> Read the whole thread. I've been here days trying to get "someone with
>>> some ideas of what I could/should try just point me in the right
>>> direction". I'm not asking them for a step-by-step what to do - just
>>> where to start looking? What'm I doing wrong? Is that too much to ask on
>>> this forum?
>> Hassan made two suggestions that as far as I can see (unless I have
>> missed it) you have not responded to.
> Yes I agree. But I also asked where and for someone who (very-obviously)
> is not familiar where to look ......
>> 1. Start by running the tests that hopefully the developer provided
>> with the app.
> I don't know even where to look for this.

Google would have helped, also the Rails Guides cover testing (and
pretty much everything else).

The tests should be in the test folder of the application.
How to run then will depend to some extent on the sort of tests the
developer provided.  You could try
rake db:test:prepare
which should create the test database, then
bundle exec rake test
but as I said it will depend on the sort of tests the developer provided.

> Like if I was guiding someone
> on a Dotnet aspx IIS Server set-up I'd be saying "take this test page -
> put it in your default-web directory - run it and see what output you
> get etc."... See?
>> 2. Check that the file config.ru exists in the root directory of the
>> app.
> I told him it didn't. And...? What do I do now.

I suppose you could create a new rails app using the version of rails
that your app uses and use the config.ru from that.


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