> No. There is no substitute for understanding Ruby and Rails enough
> to work through whatever is going on. Without a certain baseline level
> of knowledge you're just spinning your wheels, as shown above.
> Sorry.

Y'know Hassan,

I've worked with computers and IT for as long as I can remember - and
that's a long time. Mostly with Windows (of late) and had my fair share
of other OSs too - from DOS & Unix to Linux.... But it's at times like
these that I know why I really prefer M$ Products...

If it was some noob asking me the same questions, I'd have been able to
point her/him to something lke this -->
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPK9MGjhbhI and hope for the best. And
they probably would have stumbled around and found their way. Maybe even
been able to get it up and running :-)

You kinda guys with your cryptic answers is what makes it all the more
difficult. Obviously I'm looking for some silver bullet. And there is I
know. Not been around so long that everything's gotta be done the hard
way see. So anyways....

Thanx for the help. Your confidence in the ability of others to figure
out stuff they don't yet know is applaudable. I'm headed off this forum.
Back to where I can figure it out with people that don't need to make
every set-up into a "trial by fire - rite of passage"... Thanx.

And Colin, sincere thanks you did try. But maybe in future - if you
thought more like M$, it'd make the world a better place. There is a
quick and fast (and yes dirty) way to get stuff going. Not everything's
gotta be perfect and "As it should be" see...

Au revoir....!

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