Colin Law wrote in post #1176330:
> On 7 July 2015 at 20:01, OPSPL Goan <> wrote:
>> ..
>> Read the whole thread. I've been here days trying to get "someone with
>> some ideas of what I could/should try just point me in the right
>> direction". I'm not asking them for a step-by-step what to do - just
>> where to start looking? What'm I doing wrong? Is that too much to ask on
>> this forum?
> Hassan made two suggestions that as far as I can see (unless I have
> missed it) you have not responded to.

Yes I agree. But I also asked where and for someone who (very-obviously)
is not familiar where to look ......

> 1. Start by running the tests that hopefully the developer provided
> with the app.

I don't know even where to look for this. Like if I was guiding someone
on a Dotnet aspx IIS Server set-up I'd be saying "take this test page -
put it in your default-web directory - run it and see what output you
get etc."... See?

> 2. Check that the file exists in the root directory of the
> app.

I told him it didn't. And...? What do I do now. Again for example had
someone asked me a similar qn for the IIS Platform, I'd have given a
sample/default web.config file. Asked them to put it into the
default-web directory - run it and see what output you get etc."... See?

For a first-time RoR SysAdmin - where do i start. And sadly the
documentation too is not really very helpful.


1. What tests should I be running? And where would they be - or should I
look for them? I told you we have no access to the original programmer.

2. Can anyone give me a sample of a

Thanx guys... Looks like we're getting somewhere now....

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