On 07/02/2014 00:35, Brian Anderson wrote:
We can also attempt to package Rust with various of the most common
package managers: homebrew, macports, dpkg, rpm.

In my experience with WeasyPrint, this only works if the person maintaining one of these packages uses it personally. (Scratch your own itch.) This probably excludes most contributors, as they will have a git clone built from source to work with.

Alternatively, this may be viable if these packages can be *entirely* automated as part of the normal build/release system, so that they don’t really need maintainance. But I don’t know if that’s possible.

There community-maintained packages for some of these already, so we
don't necessarily need to redevelop from scratch if we just want to
adopt one or all of them as official packages. We could also create a
GUI installer for OS X, but I'm not sure how important that is.

Simon Sapin
Rust-dev mailing list

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