On Jun 3, 12:36 am, Paul-Olivier Dehaye <pdeh...@math.ethz.ch> wrote:
> I don't care much about names either...
> In your 1., you say "An element of  Multipartition() will be
> CombinatorialClass-es which wrap lists of Partition_class()" do you
> mean tuples, maybe? It is pedantic,  but relevant in light of #11414.
> One should just decide on which is more useful to have in the end.
> Paul

I think of a multipartition, in my sense, as a partition of a
partition so it is "naturally" a list of lists. Semantically, however,
it makes more sense for them to be tuples of partitions -- and this
also appears to be more in line with the distinction in python between
tuples and lists. So I think that tuples win!


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