People interested in maintaining sagelib should only care about the version 
constraint in the pyproject.toml file (e.g. if they decide that a new 
feature of numpy is needed, then the version constraint of numpy should be 
changed accordingly). People interested in maintaining sage-the-distro 
should maintain sage-the-distro. If they (for some reason) need a tighter 
version constraint than sagelib, then it of course falls in their 
responsibility to maintain this constraint. This is similar to other 
distributions that are maintaining a consistent set of package versions 
(e.g. the conda lock files in the main repo, or linux distros). But 
obviously these are activities downstream of sage-the-library.

> Simply recovering the files build/pkgs/*/version_constraints.txt will do 

Yes, that should work with some trivial changes in the bootstrap script 
(where currently the corresponding version constraint file is generated).

On Thursday, August 22, 2024 at 12:35:57 AM UTC+2 Nils Bruin wrote:

On Wednesday 21 August 2024 at 15:29:05 UTC-7 Matthias Koeppe wrote:

On Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 2:12:30 PM UTC-7 wrote:

> the version constraints of the packages that happen to be build 
dependencies of the Sage library (enumerated in are set in 

Right (adhering to the standard of modern python libs)

> The tighter version constraints are needed by the Sage distribution 

Then please specify these version constraints in sage distribution and not 
in sage-lib (eg by providing a version_constraint.txt file that is 
compatible with the version constraints of sage-lib and the tighter 
constraints set by other packages).

No, I will not start maintaining two sets of constraints.

I don't think *you* would need to maintain that set. It would just be 
something to maintained. If Tobias argues convincingly that there is 
benefit to maintaining a different set of constraints, he'll probably be 
able to find people (himself maybe?) who are willing to maintain such 
constraints. If at all possible, no maintenance task should fall to any 
single person.

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