On Oct 28, 2008, at 6:29 PM, Minh Nguyen wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 10:22 AM, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 2:06 PM, Georg S. Weber
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hey guys,
>>> having thought about it a bit more, I suddenly realized that I  
>>> came to
>>> like this ".spkg" extension.
>>> That's purely emotional, of course.
>>> But I'd surely miss it.
>> Since this is a question about user interfaces I think emotions  
>> should
>> be given a lot of weight.
> Yep, emotional it is. (And I also personally like variety. In any
> given week, you would find me using at least 3 different operating
> systems just for my personal enjoyment :-)  So -1 to my rants above.
> However, if we make a transition to the ".tar.bz2" extension or
> something similar, I'd have no objection either. A rose... er... sage
> by any other name still smells as sweet ;-)
> But if we decide to stick with ".spkg", then I agree that we really
> need to fix that chubby README.txt in spkg/standard. I'm looking at
> sage-3.1.4/spkg/standard/README.txt
> at the moment, but it has next to nothing about ".spkg". I don't think
> the fix would be hard at all.
> Perhaps it suffice to include
> [1] a brief description of ".spkg"; and
> [2] a pointer to relevant parts of the official doc should readers
> want more info on the extension.
> Yeah, I want to be less confused, so I'm willing to upload a diff to
> trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac
> I won't do it right away because I want to know people's opinions
> about the issues contained in this thread. That is, I'm still awaiting
> the final resolution.


That README.txt doesn't look like it belongs there at all, it's a  
generic sage README. Probably would make sense to have one in /spkg.  
I think the statement that an spkg is a (bzipped) tar with an install  
script and metadata, plus a pointer to the actual docs, is all that  
should go in that one.

- Robert

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