On Apr 30, 4:27 pm, Rado <rki...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I will try to work a bit this weekend on the user-interface. I see
> some great suggestions by Rob, that are straight-forward to implement.
> I don't do much graph theory, so if you've seen good graph editor
> interfaces, send me a link for inspiration. Adding a context menu on
> vertices and edges can possibly be done with jquery overlaying
> elements, but I would like to keep the interface all canvas (keep it
> simple for now).


Here are a couple of graph editors to look at:

1.  http://graphexploration.cond.org/test.html
This is from Trac #1320.  Java applet, you can pan easily (drag a
location in empty space), clicking on a vertex zooms you in (Display >
Center  menu item is one way to get back out).  Rolling over edges
seems to highlight endpoints and their labels.  GPL'ed but not updated
since about two years ago.

2.  http://buzzard.ups.edu/gts/testing.html
This is a standalone Java program I wrote years ago to explore
properties of graphs.  It never quite made it to prime time.  This
page with demo applets works for me still (amazingly), using 64-bit
Sun Java 6 on KUbuntu in Firefox.  YMMV.   Screenshot of full program

Two blank canvases at the top.  Click to make vertices, read
instructions just below for more.  Try right-clicking on vertices and
edges to experiment with coloring vertices or edges.

Another applet at the bottom illustrates my idea of "drop-in"
computational boxes (you may need to move a vertical separator to
expose the graph editing window on the left side).  As a
demonstration, one such box just counts triangles, updating itself as
you edit the graph.  I think this sort of functionality would be easy
to accomplish with a good graph editor and additions to the @interact

3.  There's been a rumor about that Mike Hansen was experimenting with
graphs in SVG format.

More later.

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