On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 6:37 AM, Jason Grout
<jason-s...@creativetrax.com> wrote:
> Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
>> Taking a look at
>> http://www.wolfram.com/products/mathematica/index.html
>> and then comparing it to
>> http://www.sagemath.org/
>> one would have to say the Mathematica one looks much better.
>> I've designed a few web sites:
>> http://witm.sourceforge.net/
>> But nothing as sophisticated as the Mathematica one, so would not be
>> able to help.
>> Would it not be worth spending some money on paying a competent
>> professional web designer, and charging him with a task of making the
>> sage homepage as good as the Mathematica one? Ideally more pages, but of
>> course it all costs money. Just a really nice homepage would be nice.

Harald Schilly, the webmaster, has done a wonderful job. I agree with
Jason that focusing on marketing would help a lot.

Professional designers charge thousands of dollars. I've heard of
people getting paid a couple grand for a far less complicated site
than sagemath.org. I think the money would be much better spent on
hardware and adding functionality to Sage.

> I think we have a very competent web designer that has done an
> outstanding job (you should see the old web page!).  I think what we
> need now is marketing ideas!  The big difference I see in a short glance
> between the two pages is that the MMA one screams "I AM MATH SOFTWARE
> AND YOU WANT TO USE ME! (and here's why you want to use me)", while the
> Sage page says, "I am a piece of software you may be interested in;
> here's lots of helpful information about me."
>> I do feel the current Sage page gives the wrong impression.
>> It's clear one needs to be quite artistic in designing good looking web
>> pages. It really is a specialist skill and not something likely to be
>> had someone who studied maths.
> I think we (collectively) definitely have the technical competence on
> board to implement whatever designs people come up with.  I think we
> (collectively) also have at least a decent amount of design experience
> and taste.  I think what we could use is a very experienced advertising
> person (or lots of good marketing ideas).  But I also get the impression
> that that is basically what you are suggesting.
> Jason
> >

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