Jason Grout wrote:

> I think we have a very competent web designer that has done an 
> outstanding job (you should see the old web page!).  I think what we 
> need now is marketing ideas!  The big difference I see in a short glance 
> between the two pages is that the MMA one screams "I AM MATH SOFTWARE 
> AND YOU WANT TO USE ME! (and here's why you want to use me)", while the 
> Sage page says, "I am a piece of software you may be interested in; 
> here's lots of helpful information about me."

I think that pretty much sums it up. The Mathematica home page tells you 
why you want to use Mathematica.

But the Mathematica page is also much more aesthetically pleasing. The 
use of nice colours helps - I'm not convinced using only blue and black 
is a good idea.

The Mathematica logo is very attractive. I know one can dismiss these as 
irrelavant/unimportant, but I feel they give the impression the product 
is more professional.

I personally don't find the flash on the Mathematica site irritating 
(unlike some other sites that use flash), but I know it's not to 
everyone's taste.

>> I do feel the current Sage page gives the wrong impression.
>> It's clear one needs to be quite artistic in designing good looking web 
>> pages. It really is a specialist skill and not something likely to be 
>> had someone who studied maths.
> I think we (collectively) definitely have the technical competence on 
> board to implement whatever designs people come up with.  I think we 
> (collectively) also have at least a decent amount of design experience 
> and taste.  I think what we could use is a very experienced advertising 
> person (or lots of good marketing ideas).  But I also get the impression 
> that that is basically what you are suggesting.

I am sure some marketing ideas could be taken from the Mathematica, 
Maple and MATLAB web pages. One might as well take the best ideas of 
these sites and use them.

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