Minh Nguyen wrote:

> The packages you have updated so far all contain a similar set of
> tests at the start of the file spkg-install. To me, those tests look
> very much like a template to be used for perhaps all the other spkg's.
> It would be very beneficial to package maintainers if those boiler
> plate tests are documented somewhere, preferably in the Developers'
> Guide.

I'll do that at some point, but I'd rather not just now, as some of the 
current code might be redundant now, as the 'configure' script at


should pick many of the errors up that the spkg-install file current does.

For example, do we need to test if there is a mix of GNU and Sun 
compilers in every spkg-install, when it is done once in the configure 
script? There are advantages to doing it twice.

* It in 'belt and braces'
* If someone sets the Sage environment variable for debugging, and 
screws up in some way, having the tests in every spkg-install would pick 
that up. It is more robust.

But also disadvantages too:

* If one wanted to improve on the tests, doing it only in the configure 
script would mean there was no need to update every single spkg-install.
* It makes the spkg-install file much longer.

Currently the configure script I wrote, is far from perfect. It does not 
pick up some possible errors with the Fortran compiler, which is 
complicated by three problems.

* We use the odd variable SAGE_FORTRAN to specify the Fortran compiler. 
Had we used FC, the normal autoconf configure scripts would all use 
that. (Any chance we change to use 'FC' instead of SAGE_FORTRAN ?)

* gfortran does not support an option to output just the version number, 
like gcc and g++ do. I reported that as a bug in gfortran, which a 
gfortran developer fixed. But it does not help with older versions of 
gfortran. (I might be able to test the gfortran version by greping the 
output of 'gfortran --version' and ensuring it contains the same version 
of gcc and g++

I noticed that when trying to build Sage with the Sun compiler, an issue 
I had (SAGE_FORTRAN was set to a GNU compiler), whereas CC and CXX were 
set to the Sun ones, was not detected in the configure script. But it 
was detected in the readline spkg-install.

I must admit, when playing around setting CC and CXX, I have tended to 
forget to set SAGE_FORTRAN. So in some ways, the Fortran compiler is the 
biggest problem.

Currently the readline spkg-install file is probably the best one, if we 
do chose to use my improved spkg-install files.


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