On 2010-Mar-29 16:08:48 -0700, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Let's make some system-wide Python a prerequisite.  Full stop.

It's not quite 1st April even here.

I could understand Python being a prerequisite if Sage was going to
use it at runtime but requiring it to be present solely to build
another copy of Python strikes me as wasteful.  If Sage is aiming at
being self-contained, it needs to reduce its reliance on
prerequisites, not increase it.  What is wrong with using shell
scripts to build Python?

If a user wants to download Sage as binary package, will they still
need Python as a prerequisite?

>   I
>think all of our officially supported platforms come with Python by
>default, anyways.

There are Python packages available for most current operating
systems.  There are probably far fewer operating system distributions
that have Python installed by default.  I suspect this decision will
only increase the effort required to port Sage to other platforms.

Peter Jeremy

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