On Friday, November 21, 2014 11:48:53 PM UTC+1, Simon King wrote:
> In some post in this thread it was claimed that another post was sexist, 
> even though there was enough reason to refuse the claim. One person imputed 
> bad intention to another person, without considering "in dubio pro". Such 
> questionable, annoying and distracting claims and imputations will occur a 
> lot more when they can be based on the authority of a code of conduct. I 
> don't want it. That's how my comment is related with the current discussion.

+1. I repeat that a code that isn't enforced is worse than no code at all.

john perry

PS For what it's worth, Simon, I first recall reading about "political 
correctness" back in the 80s in a right-wing political magazine, shortly before 
I went to university. The Wikipedia article was illuminating on the term's 
origin; I had no idea it started on the far left, and moved b/c the 
neoconservatives imported. Thanks for pointing it out.

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