On Friday, 21 November 2014 17:50:19 UTC+11, Nathann Cohen wrote:
> Which kind of rule would you see in a code of conduct that would make 
> messages like those you cited (not all were pointing at you, by the way) 
> illegal ? 
Sorry Nathan, but since you asked, these comments clearly violate item (4) 
of the proposed code of conduct, and arguably items (1) and (2) as well.

[1] Please don't accuse me of sexism again. Girls can come and insult us 
> too if they like, and we will hate them for it, like anybody else.

Also, I can accept that using "he" as a general pronoun is not intended to 
be sexist, especially from a non-nature speaker, but I am really struggling 
to find a reasonable interpretation this last sentence. The best I can come 
up with is that you are trying to be funny and it's lost in translation. Is 
this what you intended?


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