On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 11:40 PM, Dr. David Kirkby (Kirkby Microwave
Ltd) <drkir...@kirkbymicrowave.co.uk> wrote:
> Do you think a
> code of conduct would lead to any benefits due to "passive" means, and if so
> how?

I don't want to answer for him, but I still see a point here. Even
though there is no active enforcement, pointing someone politely to
such set of weak rules of expectations could have the effect, that
areas of sanity and rationality are awakened and everything plays out
well. But there are several elements in play, they also involve public
shame (disgrace? [I'm bad with such subtle words]) of that person.
That could have bad side effects, too.
Regarding enforcment, I think actions that ban or punish someone ("no,
your lines of code will be reverted and you will never never again be
allowed to send a patch") just drags down the community as a whole and
future contributors will think twice before they dare to engage with
such a community. So, I would strongly advice to not do anything like

-- Harald

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