Howard Price [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

> BORING!  Everyone's sound on this list, and I can get 
> bickering off any old net chatroom.  That'll do now.

Apologies to all, hadn't intended my light-hearted comment to offend, and
Howard's absolutely right of course.
On to Sam stuff... 
It occurred to me that with SimCoupe we could overclock the machine and code
up stuff that wouldn't have been possible on the 6MHz Sam (except possibly
with the accelerator board, of course!). Do people think this destroys the
heritage of the machine or is it something they'd be happy to see
(especially if we did restrict it to what's possible with upgraded
And on the subject of the accelerator board, I remember Cookie showing one
running Lemmings at the second Gloucester show that someone (can't remember
... was it Nev? don't think so) had built... what happened to that?

(I also remember spending many hours the night before flicking through the
z8000 manual that he'd got hold of in a kind of 6-year-old-at-christmas
glee, but that's another story altogether)


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